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Reactive Dyes

This is an entirely class of dye introduced to the market in 1956. They react chemically with the fibre being dyed and if correctly applied, cannot be removed by washing or boiling. The main feature of the dyestuff is its low affinity to cellulose; therefore large amounts of salt are required to force its deposition on he fabric. After this has been achieved, addition of alkali causes the deposited dyes to react iwth the fibre. Only a successfully concluded reaction guarantees a fast dyeing. Basically there are two types of reactive dyes: the cold dyeing and hot dyeing types.

USE: Reactive dyes are used where bright dyeing with high light and wsh fastness is required. Cold dyeing is used extensively in batik work. Although some reactive dyestuffs have been specially modified to dye wool, their main usage is in dyeing cotton linen and viscose rayon.

Product List

Dyeing Method of Reactive Dyes

Two-bathing pad dyeing

1. Procedure

Pad dyeing liquid (residue:70%) -----> pre-dyeing -----> immerse and pad -----> Steaming (102-105C, 40-60s) -----> Washing -----> Soaping -----> Water Washing -----> Drying

2. Formula

Formula of Mixed Basic Liquid:

One-bathing pad dyeing

1. Procedure

Pad dyeing liquid (residue: 70%) -----> pre-drying -----> Drying -----> Immerse and pad -----> Steaming (102-105C, 5min) -----> Washing -----> Soaping -----> Water Washing -----> Drying

2. Formula

Washing Process:

1. Method:

Cold washing -----> Hot washing -----> (neutralization) -----> Soaping (1-2 times) -----> Hot washing -----> Cold wshing

2. Condition:

Anion or non-ion detergent ------ 1-2g/L

Soaping agent ----------- 2g/L

ratio, temp., time ------------ 1:10-1:20 95-98CX20min

Neutralization: acetic acid or formic acid to PH= 7-8